
Read raster data from postgis using python

In this tutorial, we will learn how to read raster data from postgis table using python. Python is a powerful tool for raster data analysis due to rich library ecosystem: Python has a large number of libraries specifically designed for geospatial data analysis, such as rasterio, rioxarray, gdal, geopandas, shapely, etc. These libraries provide a […]

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Import shapefiles using GeoPandas and PsycoPG2.

GeoPandas is great python library to process your vector data. It has direct support for postgis database where you can directly read/write from/to postgis database. GeoPandas internally uses SqlAlchemy API to manage database specific operations like reading from PostGIS, writing to PostGIS etc. SqlAlchemy can be used for almost all the databases out there like

Import shapefiles using GeoPandas and PsycoPG2. Read More »